The language we use to discuss various work-related checks can take some time to change when the law moves on. This is perhaps why you’ll still hear people talking about List 99, even though this register is now managed by the Disclosure and Barring Service and is known as the Barred Lists. List 99 checks don’t apply to everyone, but if you are intending applying for a job which involves working with children, it’s something you might come across.


List 99 – What Is It?

List 99 has been renamed as the Children’s Barred List, and this is actually a much better indication of what the list is all about. List 99 is a confidential, closed register, which lists the details of people who have been legally blocked from working for children. There is a range of reasons why someone’s name might end up on the register. Often, people on the Register have been convicted of serious violent or sexual crimes, or other serious offences which involve children. Part of their sentence handed down in court will be having their details added to the list. Along with names, List 99 has details of any aliases someone might use, along with other personal details such as their date of birth and National Insurance number. At any one time, there are just under 60,000 people in the UK who are on List 99.


List 99 Checks

When someone applies for a job which requires an enhanced disclosure and which involves working with children, List 99 is usually checked as standard. The enhanced disclosure is the most detailed form of disclosure checking and will always be used for adults working in schools, healthcare or in voluntary positions in sporting or other activities for children. Employers should be well aware of which roles fall into the category of needing an enhanced disclosure and which don’t. When the application for an enhanced disclosure is submitted to the Disclosure and Barring Service, the information given on the form is used to check against the information on the form.

Usually, employers have a bit of discretion when it comes to DBS checking and can weigh up the information on a disclosure check and decide whether to offer the position or not. However, List 99 is a different matter. If an applicant’s details do appear on List 99, then it’s not just illegal to employ them, it’s illegal for them to apply for the job in the first place.


Are Names Removed from List 99?

The length of time someone’s name remains on List 99 will be determined at the time of their conviction. The most common sentence is that the person will be included for life, as the nature of their crimes is so serious. After 10 years on the list, the person has the right to apply for reconsideration, and decisions about whether to remove them from the list or keep their details listed in made on a case-by-case basis by the police and Home Office.